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Diet and Colorectal Cancer: Analysis of a Candidate Pathway Using SNPS, Haplotypes, and Multi-Gene Assessment

There is considerable biologic plausibility to the hypothesis that genetic variability in pathways involved in insulin signaling and energy homeostasis may modulate dietary risk associated with colorectal cancer. We utilized data from 2 population-based case-control studies of colon (n = 1,574 cases, 1,970 controls) and rectal (n = 791 cases, 999 controls) cancer to evaluate genetic variation in candidate SNPs identified from 9 genes in a candidate pathway: PDK1, RP6KA1, RPS6KA2, RPS6KB1, RPS6KB2, PTEN, FRAP1 (mTOR), TSC1, TSC2, Akt1, PIK3CA, and PRKAG2 with dietary intake of total energy, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber. We employed SNP, haplotype, and multiple-gene analysis to evaluate associations. PDK1 interacted with dietary fat for both colon and rectal cancer and with dietary carbohydrates for colon cancer. Statistically significant interaction with dietary carbohydrates and rectal cancer was detected by haplotype analysis of PDK1. Evaluation of dietary interactions with multiple genes in this candidate pathway showed several interactions with pairs of genes: Akt1 and PDK1, PDK1 and PTEN, PDK1 and TSC1, and PRKAG2 and PTEN. Analyses show that genetic variation influences risk of colorectal cancer associated with diet and illustrate the importance of evaluating dietary interactions beyond the level of single SNPs or haplotypes when a biologically relevant candidate pathway is examined.

Authors: Slattery ML; Lundgreen A; Herrick JS; Caan BJ; Potter JD; Wolff RK

Nutr Cancer. 2011 Nov;63(8):1226-34. Epub 2011 Oct 14.

PubMed abstract

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