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Risk of postpartum readmission after hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and variation by discharge antihypertensive medication prescription

Patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy have a high rate of postpartum readmission. We evaluated whether type of antihypertensive medication prescribed at discharge was associated with postpartum readmission after a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. A retrospective cohort of 57,254 pregnancies…

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PFAS concentrations in early and mid-pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in a nested case-control study within the ethnically and racially diverse PETALS cohort

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent synthetic chemicals and are commonly found in everyday items. PFAS have been linked to disrupting glucose homeostasis, however, whether they are associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk remains inconclusive. We examined prospective…

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