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Cervical Cancer Screening Follow-up

This study will use follow-up data on women with cervical specimens collected in the KPNC/NCI HPV biorepository and women in the cervical cancer screening program to investigate novel biomarkers of cervical pre-cancer and epidemiology of disease progression from HPV infection…

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Evaluating screening participation, follow-up and outcomes for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer in the PROSPR consortium

Cancer screening is a complex process encompassing risk assessment, the initial screening examination, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of cancer precursors or early cancers. Metrics that enable comparisons across different screening targets are needed. We present population-based screening metrics for breast,…

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Human Papillomavirus DNA methylation as a biomarker for cervical precancer: Consistency across 12 genotypes and potential impact on management of HPV-positive women

Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA methylation testing is a promising triage option for women testing HPV-positive during cervical cancer screening. However, the extent to which methylation indicates precancer for all 12 carcinogenic HPV types has not been evaluated. In this nested…

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