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Andrew J. Karter, PhD

Kaiser Permanente Researcher Profiles

Karter, Andrew J.

Andrew J. Karter, PhD, has been a Research Scientist at Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s Division of Research for almost 30 years, playing a leading role since 1994 in the design and maintenance of the Diabetes Registry, which includes data on more than 400,000 patients. He received his doctorate in 1993 in epidemiology with a special emphasis on epidemiologic methods and biostatistics, and was awarded Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, and a Fulbright fellowship. Dr. Karter’s work spans both epidemiology and health services research in diabetes and its complications, with a current focus on the areas of diabetes care for older patients, hypoglycemia, continuous glucose monitoring, medication adherence, health disparities, health literacy and provider communication, language barriers to care, impact of health information technology, financial barriers and cost-sharing, and pharmacoepidemiology research.

Current Position(s)

  • Research Scientist III, Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California
  • Associate Director, Diabetes Research for Equity through Advanced Multilevel Science Center for Diabetes Translational Research (DREAMS-CDTR)
  • Affiliate Professor, Department of Health Systems and Population Health, University of Washington
  • Adjunct Professor, Dept. of General Internal Med., University of California, San Francisco

Section Affiliations

Related Websites


Comparative Effectiveness Study of the Effect of Initiating Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Progression of Renal Disease in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

This study is evaluating the impact of initiating continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in adults with type 2 diabetes on the progression of kidney disease and changes in glycemic control. Difference-in-difference models will be specified to evaluate pre-post changes in eGFR, urinary albumin excretion, and HbA1c.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: Dexcom, Inc.

Implementation study of a new clinical guideline for hypoglycemia prevention

Hypoglycemia in diabetes patients is common, morbid, and costly. A TPMG-funded team (led by Drs. Lisa Gilliam and Richard Grant) worked with clinical stakeholders to develop a new expert consensus Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) clinical guideline called Hypoglycemia on a Page (HOAP). HOAP guides proactive, protocol-driven hypoglycemia prevention in KPNC members with diabetes and was published in the KPNC clinical library in May 2023, and disseminated for use by KPNC primary care physicians and accountable population managers who provide diabetes care. This 2024 Community Health proposal will evaluate a natural experiment by comparing trends in ED visits and hospitalizations for hypoglycemia before and after HOAP dissemination across KPNC. We hypothesize that implementation of HOAP will be associated with fewer ED visits and hospitalizations for hypoglycemia.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: Northern California Community Benefit Programs

Relaxed Glycemic Control and the Risk of Infections in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

Older adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (T2D) have a higher risk of infection than patients with good glycemic control. However tight glycemic control (e.g., A1C under 7%) in older adults has other risks. In a longitudinal cohort of T2D patients age 65 and older, we will evaluate the incidence of infections when glycemic control is relaxed to levels recommended by current guidelines.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: National Institute on Aging

Health Economic Analysis of Automated Insulin Delivery Systems

Safely administering insulin to manage blood glucose is challenging for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Artificial pancreas or automated insulin delivery (AID) systems mimic pancreatic function by measuring blood glucose (using real-time continuous glucose monitoring), calculating insulin requirements, and automatically delivering insulin via an insulin pump. This study will determine if AID systems provide good value compared with standard insulin delivery. We will support the external validation of a computer simulation model (Swedish National Diabetes Register T1D model) which will then be used to estimate the long-term cost-effectiveness (from the US health care system and payer perspective) of AID systems compared with standard therapy among T1D patients. This is a collaboration among DOR, University of Michigan, Jaeb Center for Health Research, and University of Oxford.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

Quantifying Racial/ethnic Differences in the Relationship Between Glucose Concentrations and Hemoglobin A1c

Physicians rely on hemoglobin A1c (A1C), an integrated measure of glycemia (blood glucose), to make treatment decisions for patients with diabetes. There is evidence that, given comparable glycemia, A1C results in African Americans can be significantly higher than in whites with similar mean glucose. Racial differences in glycosylation (and thus differences in A1c results) could lead to inequities in diabetes diagnosis, performance measures (e.g., HEDIS), treatment (e.g., unnecessary treatment intensification), and hypoglycemia risk. It is unknown how the A1C-glucose relationship varies in other groups, e.g., Latinx or Asians. Further, it is unclear to what extent observed racial differences may be attributable to innate physiologic factors (e.g., sickle cell trait) or socioeconomics for which race may be a surrogate. We propose to collect glucose data from continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices and compare them to A1C data to better understand racial biases in the A1C-glucose relationship.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: Northern California Community Benefit Programs

Comparative effectiveness of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitors among patients with basal-bolus insulin-treated type 2 diabetes

This study will characterize patients selected by their providers for intermittently-scanned, continuous glucose monitor (isCGM) initiation and estimate the effect of isCGM initiation (relative to non-initiators) on clinical outcomes. We hypothesize that 1) among basal-bolus insulin treated, type 2 diabetes patients, those with poorer glycemic control and history of acute metabolic events are more likely selected by physicians for isCGM initiation, and 2) isCGM initiation will result in significant improvement in glycemic control (based on hemoglobin A1c), reduced risk of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia (both based on emergency department or hospital utilization), compared with non-initiators. This comparative effectiveness research will be based on a difference-in-differences analysis of changes in these outcomes associated with isCGM initiation, compared to a reference group of patients who do not use isCGM (usual care).

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: TPMG Delivery Science Projects Program

Optimizing Medical Decision-Making for Older Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Medicare-age patients with type 2 diabetes are projected to double in the next 25 years and have high rates of complications and adverse drug events. However, older patients are largely excluded from the major clinical trials of diabetes care. This lack of clinical evidence has led to conflicting and ambiguous recommendations for care. The study will provide new evidence needed to care for these patients. Aim 1: Characterize variation in patient-reported outcomes, patient-provider relationships, and treatment preferences. Aim 2: Determine glycemic control levels associated with the lowest risk of adverse outcomes, including micro- and macrovascular outcomes, hypoglycemia, and death. Aim 3: Develop a risk-based decision support tool for evidence-based, individualized diabetes care for older adults with diabetes.

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: National Institute on Aging

Preferences, Management and Outcomes in the Oldest Patients with Diabetes

The aim of this study is to develop, pilot and conduct a survey among older diabetes patients (75 years of age or older) or their caregiver surrogates to collect data on: 1) self-management barriers (e.g., poor functional status, financial barriers, inadequate health literacy, depression); 2) treatment preferences (e.g., goals, attitudes regarding de-intensification and intensification, use of insulin, perceived risks and benefits of treatment); and 3) patient-reported outcomes (PROs) not commonly or comprehensively captured in the electronic medical record (e.g., health-related quality of life, falls, urinary incontinence, chronic pain).

Investigator: Karter, Andrew

Funder: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases


Sex Differences in Kidney Function and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Authors: Shin, Edward D;Liu, Jennifer;Moffet, Howard;Gulati, Martha;Virani, Salim S;Karter, Andrew J;Sidney, Stephen;Rana, Jamal S

Am J Prev Med. 2024 Aug 12.

PubMed abstract

HbA1c variability associated with dementia risk in people with type 2 diabetes

Authors: Moran, Chris;Whitmer, Rachel A;Dove, Zoe;Lacy, Mary E;Soh, Yenee;Tsai, Ai-Lin;Quesenberry, Charles P;Karter, Andrew J;Adams, Alyce S;Gilsanz, Paola

Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Aug;20(8):5561-5569. Epub 2024-07-03.

PubMed abstract

Race and ethnicity and pharmacy dispensing of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes

Authors: Rodriguez, Luis A;Neugebauer, Romain S;Karter, Andrew J;Schmittdiel, Julie A;Schmittdiel, Julie A;et al.

Lancet Reg Health Am. 2024 Jun;34:100759. Epub 2024-05-07.

PubMed abstract

Association Between Cardiovascular Health Status and Healthcare Utilization in a Large Integrated Healthcare System

Authors: Lien, Irvin;Moffet, Howard;Liu, Jennifer;Karter, Andrew;Solomon, Matthew;Go, Alan;Nasir, Khurram;Sidney, Stephen;Rana, Jamal

AJPM Focus. 2024 Jun;3(3):100213. Epub 2024-02-24.

PubMed abstract

Food Insecurity and Hypoglycemia among Older Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Insulin or Sulfonylureas: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Karter, Andrew J;Parker, Melissa M;Huang, Elbert S;Seligman, Hilary K;Moffet, Howard H;Ralston, James D;Liu, Jennifer Y;Gilliam, Lisa K;Laiteerapong, Neda;Grant, Richard W;Lipska, Kasia J

J Gen Intern Med. 2024 May 20.

PubMed abstract

Willingness to take less medication for type 2 diabetes among older patients: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Haider, Shanzay;Parker, Melissa M;Huang, Elbert S;Grant, Richard W;Moffet, Howard H;Laiteerapong, Neda;Jain, Rajesh K;Liu, Jennifer Y;Lipska, Kasia J;Karter, Andrew J

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2024 Mar 12.

PubMed abstract

Care Partner Engagement in Secure Messaging Between Patients With Diabetes and Their Clinicians: Cohort Study

Authors: Semere, Wagahta;Karter, Andrew J;Lyles, Courtney R;Reed, Mary E;Karliner, Leah;Kaplan, Celia;Liu, Jennifer Y;Livaudais-Toman, Jennifer;Schillinger, Dean

JMIR Diabetes. 2024 Feb 09;9:e49491. Epub 2024-02-09.

PubMed abstract

Continuous Glucose Monitor Metrics are associated with ED visits and hospitalizations for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia but have low predictive value

Authors: Gilliam, Lisa K;Parker Ms, Melissa M;Moffet Mph, Howard H;Lee, Alexandra K;Karter, Andrew

Diabetes Technol Ther. 2024 Jan 26.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic control and diabetes complications across health status categories in older adults treated with insulin or insulin secretagogues: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Lipska, Kasia J;Huang, Elbert S;Liu, Jennifer Y;Parker, Melissa M;Laiteerapong, Neda;Grant, Richard W;Moffet, Howard H;Karter, Andrew J

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 Aug 28.

PubMed abstract

Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Mean Glucose and Hemoglobin A1c

Authors: Karter, Andrew J;Parker, Melissa M;Moffet, Howard H;Gilliam, Lisa K

Diabetes Technol Ther. 2023 Aug 02.

PubMed abstract

Use of Real-World Data in Population Science to Improve the Prevention and Care of Diabetes-Related Outcomes

Authors: Gregg, Edward W;Patorno, Elisabetta;Khunti, Kamlesh;et al.

Diabetes Care. 2023 Jul 01;46(7):1316-1326.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic Control Over Multiple Decades and Dementia Risk in People With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Moran, Chris;Lacy, Mary E;Whitmer, Rachel A;Tsai, Ai-Lin;Quesenberry, Charles P;Karter, Andrew J;Adams, Alyce S;Gilsanz, Paola

JAMA Neurol. 2023 Jun 01;80(6):597-604.

PubMed abstract

Development and Validation of the Life Expectancy Estimator for Older Adults with Diabetes (LEAD): the Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Karter, Andrew J;Parker, Melissa M;Moffet, Howard H;Lipska, Kasia J;Laiteerapong, Neda;Grant, Richard W;Lee, Catherine;Huang, Elbert S

J Gen Intern Med. 2023 May 30.

PubMed abstract

Development and Validation of a Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Stratification Algorithm

Authors: Tarasewicz, Dariusz; Karter, Andrew J; Pimentel, Noel; Moffet, Howard H; Thai, Khanh K; Schlessinger, David; Sofrygin, Oleg; Melles, Ronald B

Diabetes Care. 2023 Mar 17.

PubMed abstract

Data-driven classification of health status of older adults with diabetes: The diabetes and aging study

Authors: Huang, Elbert S; Liu, Jennifer Y; Lipska, Kasia J; Grant, Richard W; Laiteerapong, Neda; Moffet, Howard H; Schumm, L Philip; Karter, Andrew J

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 Mar 08.

PubMed abstract

Validation of a Hypoglycemia Risk Stratification Tool Using Data From Continuous Glucose Monitors

Authors: Karter, Andrew J; Parker, Melissa M; Moffet, Howard H; Lipska, Kasia J; Ralston, James D; Huang, Elbert S; Gilliam, Lisa K

JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Mar 01;6(3):e236315. Epub 2023-03-01.

PubMed abstract

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Medication Initiation Among Adults Newly Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Gopalan, Anjali; Winn, Aaron N; Karter, Andrew J; Laiteerapong, Neda

J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Mar;38(4):994-1000. Epub 2022-08-04.

PubMed abstract

Severe hypoglycemia and falls in older adults with diabetes: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Moffet, Howard H;Huang, Elbert S;Liu, Jennifer Y;Parker, Melissa M;Lipska, Kasia J;Laiteerapong, Neda;Grant, Richard W;Lee, Alexandra K;Karter, Andrew J

Diabet Epidemiol Manag. 2023 Oct-Dec;12. Epub 2023-07-18.

PubMed abstract

Continuous Glucose Monitor Use Prevents Glycemic Deterioration in Insulin-Treated Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Karter, Andrew J; Parker, Melissa M; Moffet, Howard H; Gilliam, Lisa K; Dlott, Richard

Diabetes Technol Ther. 2022 05;24(5):332-337. Epub 2022-02-18.

PubMed abstract

Association of Low-Density Lipoprotein Testing after an Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Event with Subsequent Statin Adherence and Intensification

Authors: Rana, Jamal S; Virani, Salim S; Moffet, Howard H; Liu, Jennifer Y; Coghlan, Landis A; Vasadia, Jitesh; Ballantyne, Christie M; Karter, Andrew J

Am J Med. 2022 05;135(5):603-606. Epub 2021-11-30.

PubMed abstract

Comparison of cognitive function in older adults with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and no diabetes: results from the Study of Longevity in Diabetes (SOLID)

Authors: Lacy, Mary E; Moran, Chris; Gilsanz, Paola; Beeri, Michal S; Karter, Andrew J; Whitmer, Rachel A

BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2022 03;10(2).

PubMed abstract

Smoking and Risk of Premature Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Authors: Rana, Jamal S; Moffet, Howard H; Liu, Jennifer Y; Nasir, Khurram; Blankstein, Ron; Karter, Andrew J; Sidney, Stephen

Am J Prev Med. 2022 03;62(3):466-468. Epub 2021-11-17.

PubMed abstract

Precision communication: Physicians’ linguistic adaptation to patients’ health literacy

Authors: Schillinger, Dean; Duran, Nicholas D; McNamara, Danielle S; Crossley, Scott A; Balyan, Renu; Karter, Andrew J

Sci Adv. 2021 Dec 17;7(51):eabj2836. Epub 2021-12-17.

PubMed abstract

The effect of mail order pharmacy outreach on older patients with diabetes

Authors: Gong, Chelsea; Dyer, Wendy; Yassin, Maher; Neugebauer, Romain; Karter, Andrew J; Schmittdiel, Julie A

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 07;69(7):2028-2030. Epub 2021-03-26.

PubMed abstract

Developing and Testing Automatic Models of Patient Communicative Health Literacy Using Linguistic Features: Findings from the ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Crossley SA; Balyan R; Liu J; Karter AJ; McNamara D; Schillinger D

Health Commun. 2021 07;36(8):1018-1028. Epub 2020-03-02.

PubMed abstract

Descriptive examination of secure messaging in a longitudinal cohort of diabetes patients in the ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Cemballi, Anupama Gunshekar; Karter, Andrew J; Schillinger, Dean; Liu, Jennifer Y; McNamara, Danielle S; Brown, William; Crossley, Scott; Semere, Wagahta; Reed, Mary; Allen, Jill; Lyles, Courtney Rees

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 06 12;28(6):1252-1258.

PubMed abstract

Association of Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring With Glycemic Control and Acute Metabolic Events Among Patients With Insulin-Treated Diabetes

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Gilliam LK; Dlott R

JAMA. 2021 06 08;325(22):2273-2284.

PubMed abstract

Association of Type 1 Diabetes and Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Events and Risk of Dementia

Authors: Whitmer, Rachel A; Gilsanz, Paola; Quesenberry, Charles P; Karter, Andrew J; Lacy, Mary E

Neurology. 2021 Jun 02.

PubMed abstract

Is Shelter-in-Place Policy Related to Mail Order Pharmacy Use and Racial/Ethnic Disparities for Patients With Diabetes?

Authors: Thomas, Tainayah W; Dyer, Wendy T; Yassin, Maher; Neugebauer, Romain; Karter, Andrew J; Schmittdiel, Julie A

Diabetes Care. 2021 06;44(6):e113-e114. Epub 2021-04-13.

PubMed abstract

Validity of a Computational Linguistics-Derived Automated Health Literacy Measure Across Race/Ethnicity: Findings from The ECLIPPSE Project

Authors: Schillinger, Dean; Balyan, Renu; Crossley, Scott; McNamara, Danielle; Karter, Andrew

J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2021 05;32(2 Suppl):347-365.

PubMed abstract

Severe Hypoglycemia and Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Diabetes

Authors: Rana, Jamal S; Moffet, Howard H; Liu, Jennifer Y; Karter, Andrew J

Diabetes Care. 2021 03;44(3):e40-e41. Epub 2021-01-20.

PubMed abstract

Employing computational linguistics techniques to identify limited patient health literacy: Findings from the ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Schillinger, Dean; Balyan, Renu; Crossley, Scott A; McNamara, Danielle S; Liu, Jennifer Y; Karter, Andrew J

Health Serv Res. 2021 02;56(1):132-144. Epub 2020-09-23.

PubMed abstract

Challenges and solutions to employing natural language processing and machine learning to measure patients’ health literacy and physician writing complexity: The ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Brown, William; Karter, Andrew J; Lyles, Courtney; Schillinger, Dean; et al.

J Biomed Inform. 2021 01;113:103658. Epub 2020-12-11.

PubMed abstract

A Randomized Encouragement Trial to Increase Mail Order Pharmacy Use and Medication Adherence in Patients with Diabetes

Authors: Ramachandran, Bharathi; Neugebauer, Romain S; Brown, Susan D; Karter, Andrew J; Schmittdiel, Julie A; et al.

J Gen Intern Med. 2021 01;36(1):154-161. Epub 2020-10-01.

PubMed abstract

Changes in Management of Type 2 Diabetes Before and After Severe Hypoglycemia

Authors: Vijayakumar, Pavithra; Liu, Shuling; McCoy, Rozalina G; Karter, Andrew J; Lipska, Kasia J

Diabetes Care. 2020 Sep 17.

PubMed abstract

Recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis and cognitive function among older adults with type 1 diabetes: findings from the Study of Longevity in Diabetes

Authors: Lacy ME; Gilsanz P; Eng CW; Beeri MS; Karter AJ; Whitmer RA

BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 06;8(1).

PubMed abstract

Initial Glycemic Control and Care Among Younger Adults Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Gopalan A; Mishra P; Alexeeff SE; Blatchins MA; Kim E; Man A; Karter AJ; Grant RW

Diabetes Care. 2020 05;43(5):975-981. Epub 2020-03-04.

PubMed abstract

Severe Hypoglycemia and Cognitive Function in Older Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: The Study of Longevity in Diabetes (SOLID)

Authors: Lacy ME; Gilsanz P; Eng C; Beeri MS; Karter AJ; Whitmer RA

Diabetes Care. 2020 03;43(3):541-548. Epub 2019-12-27.

PubMed abstract

Risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by cardiovascular health metric categories in approximately 1 million patients

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Karter AJ; Nasir K; Solomon MD; Jaffe MG; Ambrosy AP; Go AS; Sidney S

Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Feb 10:2047487320905025.

PubMed abstract

Risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by cardiovascular health metric categories in approximately 1 million patients

Authors: Rana, Jamal S; Liu, Jennifer Y; Moffet, Howard H; Karter, Andrew J; Nasir, Khurram; Solomon, Matthew D; Jaffe, Marc G; Ambrosy, Andrew P; Go, Alan S; Sidney, Stephen

Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Feb 07.

PubMed abstract

Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Statin-Treated Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Dyslipidemia without Prevalent Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Sanchez RJ; Khan I; Karter AJ

Am J Med. 2020 02;133(2):200-206. Epub 2019-07-22.

PubMed abstract

Predicting the readability of physicians’ secure messages to improve health communication using novel linguistic features: Findings from the ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Crossley, Scott A; Balyan, Renu; Liu, Jennifer; Karter, Andrew J; McNamara, Danielle; Schillinger, Dean

J Commun Healthc. 2020;13(4):1-13. Epub 2020-09-24.

PubMed abstract

Sleep Quality and Cognitive Function in Type 1 Diabetes: Findings From the Study of Longevity in Diabetes (SOLID)

Authors: Gilsanz P; Lacy ME; Beeri MS; Karter AJ; Eng CW; Whitmer RA

Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2020 Jan-Mar;34(1):18-24.

PubMed abstract

Use and Discontinuation of Insulin Treatment Among Adults Aged 75 to 79 Years With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Weiner JZ; Gopalan A; Mishra P; Lipska KJ; Huang ES; Laiteerapong N; Karter AJ; Grant RW

JAMA Intern Med. 2019 12 01;179(12):1633-1641.

PubMed abstract

Secure Messaging with Physicians by Proxies for Patients with Diabetes: Findings from the ECLIPPSE Study

Authors: Semere W; Crossley S; Karter AJ; Lyles CR; Brown W; Reed M; McNamara DS; Liu JY; Schillinger D

J Gen Intern Med. 2019 11;34(11):2490-2496. Epub 2019-08-19.

PubMed abstract

Opportunities to encourage mail order pharmacy delivery service use for diabetes prescriptions: a qualitative study

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Marshall CJ; Wiley D; Chau CV; Trinacty CM; Wharam JF; Duru OK; Karter AJ; Brown SD

BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Jun 25;19(1):422. Epub 2019-06-25.

PubMed abstract

Visual outcomes after cataract surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes

Authors: Liu L; Herrinton LJ; Alexeeff S; Karter AJ; Amsden LB; Carolan J; Shorstein NH

J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019 04;45(4):404-413. Epub 2019-01-09.

PubMed abstract

The Legacy Effect in Type 2 Diabetes: Impact of Early Glycemic Control on Future Complications (the Diabetes & Aging Study)

Authors: Laiteerapong N; Ham SA; Gao Y; Moffet HH; Liu JY; Huang ES; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2019 03;42(3):416-426. Epub 2018-08-13.

PubMed abstract

Revalidation of the Hypoglycemia Risk Stratification Tool Using ICD-10 Codes

Authors: Karter AJ; Warton EM; Moffet HH; Ralston JD; Huang ES; Miller DR; Lipska KJ

Diabetes Care. 2019 Feb 14.

PubMed abstract

Response to Comment on Laiteerapong et al. The Legacy Effect in Type 2 Diabetes: Impact of Early Glycemic Control on Future Complications (The Diabetes & Aging Study). Diabetes Care 2019;42:XXXX-XXXX

Authors: Laiteerapong N; Ham SA; Huang ES; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2019 Jan 24.

PubMed abstract

Using natural language processing and machine learning to classify health literacy from secure messages: The ECLIPPSE study

Authors: Balyan R; Crossley SA; Brown W; Karter AJ; McNamara DS; Liu JY; Lyles CR; Schillinger D

PLoS ONE. 2019;14(2):e0212488. Epub 2019-02-22.

PubMed abstract

Review of Metformin Use for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Authors: Moin T; Schmittdiel JA; Flory JH; Yeh J; Karter AJ; Kruge LE; Schillinger D; Mangione CM; Herman WH; Walker EA

Am J Prev Med. 2018 10;55(4):565-574. Epub 2018-08-17.

PubMed abstract

Traumatic brain injury associated with dementia risk among people with type 1 diabetes

Authors: Gilsanz P; Albers K; Beeri MS; Karter AJ; Quesenberry CP; Whitmer RA

Neurology. 2018 Sep 26.

PubMed abstract

Long-term Glycemic Control and Dementia Risk in Type 1 Diabetes

Authors: Lacy ME; Gilsanz P; Karter AJ; Quesenberry CP; Pletcher MJ; Whitmer RA

Diabetes Care. 2018 Sep 04.

PubMed abstract

Language barriers and LDL-C/SBP control among Latinos with diabetes

Authors: Fernandez A; Warton EM; Schillinger D; Moffet HH; Kruger J; Adler N; Karter AJ

Am J Manag Care. 2018 09;24(9):405-410.

PubMed abstract

Risk of Incident Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Events by Achieved Atherogenic Lipid Levels Among 62,428 Statin-Treated Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Boklage SH; Khan I; Karter AJ

Am J Cardiol. 2018 09 01;122(5):762-767. Epub 2018-06-02.

PubMed abstract

Brief Commentary: Glycemic Targets for Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Schroeder EB; Karter AJ

Ann Intern Med. 2018 08 21;169(4):250-251. Epub 2018-06-26.

PubMed abstract

Eating with others and meal location are differentially associated with nutrient intake by sex: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Pachucki MC; Karter AJ; Adler NE; Moffet HH; Warton EM; Schillinger D; O'Connell BH; Laraia B

Appetite. 2018 08 01;127:203-213. Epub 2018-03-27.

PubMed abstract

Association of Initiation of Basal Insulin Analogs vs Neutral Protamine Hagedorn Insulin With Hypoglycemia-Related Emergency Department Visits or Hospital Admissions and With Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Lipska KJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Huang ES; Karter AJ

JAMA. 2018 07 03;320(1):53-62.

PubMed abstract

Surveillance of Hypoglycemia-Limitations of Emergency Department and Hospital Utilization Data

Authors: Karter AJ; Moffet HH; Liu JY; Lipska KJ

JAMA Intern Med. 2018 07 01;178(7):987-988.

PubMed abstract

Adherence to Cardio-protective Medications Prescribed for Secondary Prevention after an Acute Coronary Syndrome Hospitalization Compared to Usual Care

Authors: Rana JS; Parker MM; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

J Gen Intern Med. 2018 Jun 07.

PubMed abstract

Improved Cardiovascular Risk Factors Control Associated with a Large-Scale Population Management Program Among Diabetes Patients

Authors: Rana JS; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Jaffe MG

Am J Med. 2018 06;131(6):661-668. Epub 2018-03-22.

PubMed abstract

Food Insecurity, Food “Deserts,” and Glycemic Control in Patients With Diabetes: A Longitudinal Analysis

Authors: Berkowitz SA; Karter AJ; Corbie-Smith G; Seligman HK; Ackroyd SA; Barnard LS; Atlas SJ; Wexler DJ

Diabetes Care. 2018 06;41(6):1188-1195. Epub 2018-03-19.

PubMed abstract

Depression in type 1 diabetes and risk of dementia

Authors: Gilsanz P; Schnaider Beeri M; Karter AJ; Quesenberry CP; Adams AS; Whitmer RA

Aging Ment Health. 2018 Apr 10:1-7.

PubMed abstract

Effect of Out-of-Pocket Cost on Medication Initiation, Adherence, and Persistence among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Solomon MD; Lyles CR; Adams AS; Moffet HH; Reed ME

Health Serv Res. 2018 04;53(2):1227-1247. Epub 2017-05-05.

PubMed abstract

The Bidirectional Association Between Depression and Severe Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Events in Type 1 Diabetes

Authors: Gilsanz P; Karter AJ; Beeri MS; Quesenberry CP; Whitmer RA

Diabetes Care. 2017 Dec 18.

PubMed abstract

Development and Validation of a Tool to Identify Patients With Type 2 Diabetes at High Risk of Hypoglycemia-Related Emergency Department or Hospital Use

Authors: Karter AJ; Warton EM; Lipska KJ; Ralston JD; Moffet HH; Jackson GG; Huang ES; Miller DR

JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Oct 01;177(10):1461-1470.

PubMed abstract

Hypoglycemia Patients and Transport by EMS in Alameda County, 2013-15

Authors: Moffet HH; Warton EM; Siegel L; Sporer K; Lipska KJ; Karter AJ

Prehosp Emerg Care. 2017 Jun 22:1-6.

PubMed abstract

Association Between Neighborhood Supermarket Presence and Glycated Hemoglobin Levels Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Zhang YT; Mujahid MS; Laraia BA; Warton EM; Blanchard SD; Moffet HH; Downing J; Karter AJ

Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Jun 15;185(12):1297-1303.

PubMed abstract

Food Environment and Weight Change: Does Residential Mobility Matter?: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Laraia BA; Downing JM; Zhang YT; Dow WH; Kelly M; Blanchard SD; Adler N; Schillinger D; Moffet H; Warton EM; Karter AJ

Am J Epidemiol. 2017 May 01;185(9):743-750.

PubMed abstract

High rates of severe hypoglycemia among African American patients with diabetes: the surveillance, prevention, and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) network

Authors: Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

J Diabetes Complicat. 2017 May;31(5):869-873. Epub 2017-02-21.

PubMed abstract

Beyond the Great Recession: Was the Foreclosure Crisis Harmful to the Health of Individuals With Diabetes?

Authors: Downing J; Laraia B; Rodriguez H; Dow WH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Warton EM; Karter AJ

Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Mar 15;185(6):429-435.

PubMed abstract

Value-Based Insurance Design Benefit Offsets Reductions In Medication Adherence Associated With Switch To Deductible Plan

Authors: Reed ME; Warton EM; Kim E; Solomon MD; Karter AJ

Health Aff (Millwood). 2017 Mar 01;36(3):516-523.

PubMed abstract

Adherence to Newly Prescribed Diabetes Medications Among Insured Latino and White Patients With Diabetes

Authors: Fernández A; Quan J; Moffet H; Parker MM; Schillinger D; Karter AJ

JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Mar 01;177(3):371-379.

PubMed abstract

Association of Patient-Physician Language Concordance and Glycemic Control for Limited-English Proficiency Latinos With Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Parker MM; Fernández A; Moffet HH; Grant RW; Torreblanca A; Karter AJ

JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Mar 01;177(3):380-387.

PubMed abstract

Response to Comment on Pathak et al. Severe Hypoglycemia Requiring Medical Intervention in a Large Cohort of Adults With Diabetes Receiving Care in U.S. Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems: 2005-2011. Diabetes Care 2016;39:363-370

Authors: Pathak RD; Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2017 02;40(2):e26.

PubMed abstract

Depressive symptoms and adherence to cardiometabolic therapies across phases of treatment among adults with diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Bauer AM; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Schillinger D; Adler NE; Adams AS; Schmittdiel JA; Katon WJ; Karter AJ

Patient Prefer Adherence. 2017;11:643-652. Epub 2017-03-24.

PubMed abstract

The Next Frontier in Communication and the ECLIPPSE Study: Bridging the Linguistic Divide in Secure Messaging

Authors: Schillinger D; Karter AJ; et al.

J Diabetes Res. 2017;2017:1348242. Epub 2017-02-07.

PubMed abstract

Changes in Medication Use After Dementia Diagnosis in an Observational Cohort of Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Sarkar U; Lyles C; Steinman M; Huang ES; Moffet HH; Whitmer RA; Warton EM; Karter AJ

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Jan;65(1):77-82. Epub 2016-09-19.

PubMed abstract

Ten-year hemoglobin A1c trajectories and outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Laiteerapong N; Karter AJ; Moffet HH; Cooper JM; Gibbons RD; Liu JY; Gao Y; Huang ES

J Diabetes Complicat. 2017 Jan;31(1):94-100. Epub 2016-07-26.

PubMed abstract

Identifying Spanish Language Competent Physicians: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Chaufan C; Karter AJ; Moffet HH; Quan J; Parker MM; Kruger J; Schillinger D; Fernandez A

Ethn Dis. 2016 Oct 20;26(4):537-544. Epub 2016-Oct-20.

PubMed abstract

Police-Recorded Crime and Perceived Stress among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Tamayo A; Mujahid MS; Laraia B; Warton EM; Blanchard SD; Kelly M; Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Karter AJ

J Urban Health. 2016 Oct;93(5):745-757.

PubMed abstract

Trans-ethnic Meta-Analysis and Functional Annotation Illuminates the Genetic Architecture of Fasting Glucose and Insulin

Authors: Liu CT; Keller MF; Meigs JB; et al.

Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Jul 07;99(1):56-75. Epub 2016-06-16.

PubMed abstract

Is a reduction in distance to nearest supermarket associated with BMI change among type 2 diabetes patients?

Authors: Zhang YT; Laraia BA; Mujahid MS; Blanchard SD; Warton EM; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

Health Place. 2016 07;40:15-20. Epub 2016-05-07.

PubMed abstract

Communication Barriers and the Clinical Recognition of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in a Diverse Cohort of Adults: The DISTANCE Study

Authors: Adams AS; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Jaffe M; Schillinger D; Callaghan B; Piette J; Adler NE; Bauer A; Karter AJ

J Health Commun. 2016 May;21(5):544-53. Epub 2016-04-26.

PubMed abstract

Associations of perceived neighborhood safety and crime with cardiometabolic risk factors among a population with type 2 diabetes

Authors: Tamayo A; Karter AJ; Mujahid MS; Warton EM; Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Hendrickson O'Connell B; Laraia B

Health Place. 2016 05;39:116-21. Epub 2016-04-08.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic Differences in Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in a Large Contemporary Population

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Jaffe MG; Sidney S; Karter AJ

Am J Prev Med. 2016 May;50(5):637-41. Epub 2016-01-28.

PubMed abstract

Financial Strain and Medication Adherence among Diabetes Patients in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Lyles CR; Seligman HK; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Piette JD; Karter AJ

Health Serv Res. 2016 Apr;51(2):610-24. Epub 2015-08-09.

PubMed abstract

Refilling medications through an online patient portal: consistent improvements in adherence across racial/ethnic groups

Authors: Lyles CR; Sarkar U; Schillinger D; Ralston JD; Allen JY; Nguyen R; Karter AJ

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Apr;23(e1):e28-33. Epub 2015-Sep-02.

PubMed abstract

Diabetes and Prior Coronary Heart Disease are Not Necessarily Risk Equivalent for Future Coronary Heart Disease Events

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Jaffe M; Karter AJ

J Gen Intern Med. 2016 Apr;31(4):387-93. Epub 2015-12-14.

PubMed abstract

Severe Hypoglycemia Requiring Medical Intervention in a Large Cohort of Adults With Diabetes Receiving Care in U.S. Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems: 2005-2011

Authors: Pathak RD; Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2016 Mar;39(3):363-70. Epub 2015-12-17.

PubMed abstract

Medication Adherence Does Not Explain Black-White Differences in Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Control among Insured Patients with Diabetes

Authors: Lafata JE; Karter AJ; Schmittdiel JA; Steiner JF; et al.

J Gen Intern Med. 2016 Feb;31(2):188-95.

PubMed abstract

No Spillover Effect of the Foreclosure Crisis on Weight Change: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Downing J; Karter A; Rodriguez H; Dow WH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Warton M; Laraia B

PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3):e0151334. Epub 2016-03-17.

PubMed abstract

Metabolic Dyslipidemia and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in 28,318 Adults With Diabetes Mellitus and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol <100 mg/dl

Authors: Rana JS; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Solomon MD; Go AS; Jaffe MG; Karter AJ

Am J Cardiol. 2015 Dec 1;116(11):1700-4. Epub 2015-09-10.

PubMed abstract

Who Must We Target Now to Minimize Future Cardiovascular Events and Total Mortality? Lessons From the SUPREME-DM Cohort Study

Authors: Desai JR; Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2015 Sep;8(5):508-16.

PubMed abstract

An algorithm to identify medication nonpersistence using electronic pharmacy databases

Authors: Parker MM; Moffet HH; Adams A; Karter AJ

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Sep;22(5):957-61. Epub 2015-06-15.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic Differences in Geriatric Conditions and Diabetes Complications Among Older, Insured Adults With Diabetes: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Karter AJ; Adams AS; Whitmer RA; Huang ES; et al.

J Aging Health. 2015 Aug;27(5):894-918. Epub 2015-02-05.

PubMed abstract

Reach and Validity of an Objective Medication Adherence Measure Among Safety Net Health Plan Members with Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Ratanawongsa N; Karter AJ; Quan J; Parker MM; Handley M; Sarkar U; Schmittdiel JA; Schillinger D

J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2015 Aug;21(8):688-98.

PubMed abstract

Prevalence of chronic kidney disease among individuals with diabetes in the SUPREME-DM Project, 2005-2011

Authors: Schroeder EB; Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

J Diabetes Complicat. 2015 Jul;29(5):637-43. Epub 2015-04-16.

PubMed abstract

Does Food Vendor Density Mediate the Association Between Neighborhood Deprivation and BMI?: A G-computation Mediation Analysis

Authors: Zhang YT; Laraia BA; Mujahid MS; Tamayo A; Blanchard SD; Warton EM; Kelly NM; Moffet HH; Schillinger D; Adler N; Karter AJ

Epidemiology. 2015 May;26(3):344-52.

PubMed abstract

Preventable Major Cardiovascular Events Associated With Uncontrolled Glucose, Blood Pressure, and Lipids and Active Smoking in Adults With Diabetes With and Without Cardiovascular Disease: A Contemporary Analysis

Authors: Vazquez-Benitez G; Karter AJ; O'Connor PJ; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2015 May;38(5):905-12. Epub 2015-02-20.

PubMed abstract

Health Care System-level Factors Associated With Performance on Medicare STAR Adherence Metrics in a Large, Integrated Delivery System

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Nichols GA; Dyer W; Steiner JF; Karter AJ; Raebel MA

Med Care. 2015 Apr;53(4):332-7.

PubMed abstract

Impact of a Pharmacy Benefit Change on New Use of Mail Order Pharmacy among Diabetes Patients: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Duru OK; Schillinger D; Adler NE; Moffet HH; Adams AS; Chan J; Herman WH; Schmittdiel JA

Health Serv Res. 2015 Apr;50(2):537-59. Epub 2014-08-15.

PubMed abstract

Patients who self-monitor blood glucose and their unused testing results

Authors: Grant RW; Huang ES; Wexler DJ; Laiteerapong N; Warton ME; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

Am J Manag Care. 2015 Feb 01;21(2):e119-29. Epub 2015-02-01.

PubMed abstract

Low-frequency and rare exome chip variants associate with fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes susceptibility

Authors: Wessel J; Lorenzo C; Goodarzi MO; et al.

Nat Commun. 2015;6:5897. Epub 2015-01-29.

PubMed abstract

Trends in Diabetes Incidence Among 7 Million Insured Adults, 2006-2011: The SUPREME-DM Project

Authors: Nichols GA; Karter AJ; SUPREME-DM Study Group; et al.

Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 1;181(1):32-9. Epub 2014-12-16.

PubMed abstract

Medicare Star excludes diabetes patients with poor CVD risk factor control

Authors: Schmittdiel J; Raebel M; Dyer W; Steiner J; Goodrich G; Karter A; Nichols G

Am J Manag Care. 2014 Dec;20(12):e581-9." target="_blank">PubMed abstract

Social Support and Lifestyle vs. Medical Diabetes Self-Management in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Rosland AM; Piette JD; Lyles CR; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Adler NE; Schillinger D; Karter AJ

Ann Behav Med. 2014 Dec;48(3):438-47.

PubMed abstract

Incidence of Remission in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Karter AJ; Nundy S; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Huang ES

Diabetes Care. 2014 Dec;37(12):3188-95. Epub 2014-09-17.

PubMed abstract

Update on Health Literacy and Diabetes

Authors: Bailey SC; Karter AJ; Schillinger D; et al.

Diabetes Educ. 2014 Sep-Oct;40(5):581-604. Epub 2014-06-19.

PubMed abstract

Associations Between Antidepressant Adherence and Shared Decision-Making, Patient-Provider Trust, and Communication Among Adults with Diabetes: Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Bauer AM; Parker MM; Schillinger D; Katon W; Adler N; Adams AS; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Aug;29(8):1139-47.

PubMed abstract

Prescription medication burden in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes: A SUrveillance, PREvention, and ManagEment of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Karter AJ; Steiner JF; et al.

J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2014 Jul-Aug;54(4):374-82.

PubMed abstract

National Trends in US Hospital Admissions for Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 1999 to 2011

Authors: Lipska KJ; Ross JS; Wang Y; Inzucchi SE; Minges K; Karter AJ; Huang ES; Desai MM; Gill TM; Krumholz HM

JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jul;174(7):1116-24.

PubMed abstract

Depression and All-Cause Mortality in Persons with Diabetes Mellitus: Are Older Adults at Higher Risk? Results from the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes Study

Authors: Kimbro LB; Mangione CM; Steers WN; Duru OK; McEwen L; Karter A; Ettner SL

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Jun;62(6):1017-22. Epub 2014-05-13.

PubMed abstract

Low Socioeconomic Status is Associated with Increased Risk for Hypoglycemia in Diabetes Patients: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Berkowitz SA; Karter AJ; Lyles CR; Liu JY; Schillinger D; Adler NE; Moffet HH; Sarkar U

J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2014 May;25(2):478-90.

PubMed abstract

Racial/ethnic differences in dementia risk among older type 2 diabetes patients: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Mayeda ER; Karter AJ; Huang ES; Moffet HH; Haan MN; Whitmer RA

Diabetes Care. 2014 Apr;37(4):1009-15. Epub 2013-11-22.

PubMed abstract

Use of the Refill Function Through an Online Patient Portal is Associated With Improved Adherence to Statins in an Integrated Health System

Authors: Sarkar U; Lyles CR; Parker MM; Allen J; Nguyen R; Moffet HH; Schillinger D; Karter AJ

Med Care. 2014 Mar;52(3):194-201.

PubMed abstract

Rates of Complications and Mortality in Older Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Huang ES; Laiteerapong N; Liu JY; John PM; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Feb 1;174(2):251-8.

PubMed abstract

Medicare star excludes diabetes patients with poor CVD risk factor control

Authors: Schmittdiel J; Raebel M; Dyer W; Steiner J; Goodrich G; Karter A; Nichols G

Am J Manag Care. 2014;20(12):e573-81. Epub 2014-12-01.

PubMed abstract

Spatial pattern of body mass index among adults in the diabetes study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Laraia BA; Blanchard SD; Karter AJ; Jones-Smith JC; Warton M; Kersten E; Jerrett M; Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Kelly M

Int J Health Geogr. 2014;13:48. Epub 2014-12-04.

PubMed abstract

Severe Diabetic Retinal Disease and Dementia Risk in Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Exalto LG; Biessels GJ; Karter AJ; Huang ES; Quesenberry CP; Whitmer RA

J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;42 Suppl 3:S109-17.

PubMed abstract

The DISTANCE model for collaborative research: distributing analytic effort using scrambled data sets

Authors: Moffet HH; Warton EM; Parker MM; Liu JY; Lyles CR; Karter AJ

Inf Secur Comput Fraud. 2014;2(3):33-38.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic Control and Urinary Incontinence in Women with Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Lee SJ; Karter AJ; Thai JN; Van Den Eeden SK; Huang ES

J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2013 Dec;22(12):1049-55. Epub 2013-09-13.

PubMed abstract

Self-Reported physical functioning and mortality among individuals with type 2 diabetes: insights from TRIAD

Authors: Ylitalo KR; McEwen LN; Karter AJ; Lee P; Herman WH

J Diabetes Complicat. 2013 Nov-Dec;27(6):565-9. Epub 2013-07-23.

PubMed abstract

Risk score for prediction of 10 year dementia risk in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study

Authors: Exalto LG; Biessels GJ; Karter AJ; Huang ES; Katon WJ; Minkoff JR; Whitmer RA

Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2013 Nov;1(3):183-90. Epub 2013-08-20.

PubMed abstract

HbA1c and Risk of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Lipska KJ; Warton EM; Huang ES; Moffet HH; Inzucchi SE; Krumholz HM; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2013 Nov;36(11):3535-42. Epub 2013-07-30.

PubMed abstract

Safety and effectiveness of mail order pharmacy use in diabetes

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Karter AJ; Dyer WT; Chan J; Duru OK

Am J Manag Care. 2013 Nov;19(11):882-7.

PubMed abstract

Patient-provider communication and trust in relation to use of an online patient portal among diabetes patients: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Lyles CR; Sarkar U; Ralston JD; Adler N; Schillinger D; Moffet HH; Huang ES; Karter AJ

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Nov-Dec;20(6):1128-31.

PubMed abstract

Obesity and the Food Environment: Income and Ethnicity Differences Among People With Diabetes: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Jones-Smith JC; Karter AJ; Warton EM; Kelly M; Kersten E; Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Laraia BA

Diabetes Care. 2013 Sep;36(9):2697-705. Epub 2013-05-01.

PubMed abstract

Association Between Estimated GFR, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Depression Among Older Adults With Diabetes: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Campbell KH; Huang ES; Dale W; Parker MM; John PM; Young BA; Moffet HH; Laiteerapong N; Karter AJ

Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Sep;62(3):541-8. Epub 2013 Jun 5.

PubMed abstract

Standardizing terminology and definitions of medication adherence and persistence in research employing electronic databases

Authors: Raebel MA; Schmittdiel J; Karter AJ; Konieczny JL; Steiner JF

Med Care. 2013 Aug;51(8 Suppl 3):S11-21.

PubMed abstract

Neighborhood Deprivation and Change in BMI Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Stoddard PJ; Laraia BA; Warton EM; Moffet HH; Adler NE; Schillinger D; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2013 May;36(5):1200-8.

PubMed abstract

Differences in the clinical recognition of depression in diabetes patients; the diabetes study of northern california (DISTANCE)

Authors: Hudson DL; Karter AJ; Fernandez A; Parker M; Adams AS; Schillinger D; Moffet HH; Zhou J; Adler NE

Am J Manag Care. 2013 May;19(5):344-52.

PubMed abstract

Impaired Fasting Glucose and Impaired Glucose Tolerance Have Distinct Lipoprotein and Apolipoprotein Changes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study

Authors: Lorenzo C; Hartnett S; Hanley AJ; Rewers MJ; Wagenknecht LE; Karter AJ; Haffner SM

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Apr;98(4):1622-30. Epub 2013 Feb 28.

PubMed abstract

Health Literacy and Antidepressant Medication Adherence Among Adults with Diabetes; The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Bauer AM; Schillinger D; Parker MM; Katon W; Adler N; Adams AS; Moffet HH; Karter AJ

J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Sep;28(9):1181-7. Epub 2013-03-20.

PubMed abstract

Patient reported interpersonal processes of care and perceived social position: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Moskowitz D; Lyles CR; Karter AJ; Adler N; Moffet HH; Schillinger D

Patient Educ Couns. 2013 Mar;90(3):392-8. Epub 2011-08-19.

PubMed abstract

Elevated Rates of Diabetes in Pacific Islanders and Asian Subgroups: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Karter AJ; Schillinger D; Adams AS; Moffet HH; Liu J; Adler NE; Kanaya AM

Diabetes Care. 2013 Mar;36(3):574-9. Epub 2012 Oct 15.

PubMed abstract

Communication and Medication Refill Adherence: The Diabetes Study of Northern California

Authors: Ratanawongsa N; Karter AJ; Parker MM; Lyles CR; Heisler M; Moffet HH; Adler N; Warton EM; Schillinger D

JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Feb 11;173(3):210-8.

PubMed abstract

Symptom Burden of Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Across the Disease Course: Diabetes & Aging Study

Authors: Sudore RL; Karter AJ; Adams A; Whitmer RA; Schillinger D; et al.

J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Dec;27(12):1674-81. Epub 2012 Aug 2.

PubMed abstract

Is the physical functioning of older adults with diabetes associated with the processes and outcomes of care? Evidence from Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: Lee PG; McEwen LN; Waitzfelder B; Subramanian U; Karter AJ; Mangione CM; Herman WH

Diabet Med. 2012 Sep;29(9):e321-5.

PubMed abstract

Predictors of Mortality Over 8 Years in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: McEwen LN; Karter AJ; Waitzfelder BE; Crosson JC; Marrero DG; Mangione CM; Herman WH

Diabetes Care. 2012 Jun;35(6):1301-9. Epub 2012 Mar 19.

PubMed abstract

Pathophysiologic differences among asians, native hawaiians, and other pacific islanders and treatment implications

Authors: Hsu WC; Karter A; Arakaki R; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2012 May;35(5):1189-98.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic Differences in Appointment-Keeping and Implications for the Patient-Centered Medical Home-Findings from the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Parker MM; Moffet HH; Schillinger D; Adler N; Fernandez A; Ciechanowski P; Karter AJ

Health Serv Res. 2012 Apr;47(2):572-93. Epub 2011 Oct 27.

PubMed abstract

Place matters: Neighborhood deprivation and cardiometabolic risk factors in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Laraia BA; Karter AJ; Warton EM; Schillinger D; Moffet HH; Adler N

Soc Sci Med. 2012 Apr;74(7):1082-90. Epub 2012 Jan 28.

PubMed abstract

Association of Depression With Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes and Aging Study

Authors: Katon W; Lyles CR; Parker MM; Karter AJ; Huang ES; Whitmer RA

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012 Apr;69(4):410-7. Epub 2011 Dec 5.

PubMed abstract

Getting Under the Skin of Clinical Inertia in Insulin Initiation: The Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) Insulin Starts Project

Authors: Ratanawongsa N; Crosson JC; Schillinger D; Karter AJ; Saha CK; Marrero DG

Diabetes Educ. 2012 Jan-Feb;38(1):94-100. Epub 2012 Jan 5.

PubMed abstract

Evaluation of risk equations for prediction of short-term coronary heart disease events in patients with long-standing type 2 diabetes: the translating research into action for diabetes (triad) study

Authors: Lu SE; Karter AJ; Lasser N; et al.

BMC Endocr Disord. 2012 Jul 9;12:12.

PubMed abstract

Provider factors and patient-reported healthcare discrimination in the Diabetes Study of California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Lyles CR; Karter AJ; Young BA; Spigner C; Grembowski D; Schillinger D; Adler N

Patient Educ Couns. 2011 Dec;85(3):e216-24. Epub 2011 May 24.

PubMed abstract

The Comparative Effectiveness of Mail Order Pharmacy Use vs. Local Pharmacy Use on LDL-C Control in New Statin Users

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Karter AJ; Dyer W; Parker M; Uratsu C; Chan J; Duru OK

J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Dec;26(12):1396-402. Epub 2011 Jul 20.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic differences in the development of albuminuria: the DISTANCE study

Authors: Choi AI; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Young BA; Go AS; Schillinger D

Am J Manag Care. 2011 Nov;17(11):737-45.

PubMed abstract

Patient-Reported Racial/Ethnic Healthcare Provider Discrimination and Medication Intensification in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Lyles CR; Karter AJ; Young BA; Spigner C; Grembowski D; Schillinger D; Adler N

J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Oct;26(10):1138-44. Epub 2011 May 6.

PubMed abstract

Cross-sectional and longitudinal changes of glucose effectiveness in relation to glucose tolerance: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Authors: Lorenzo C; Wagenknecht LE; Karter AJ; Hanley AJ; Rewers MJ; Haffner SM

Diabetes Care. 2011 Sep;34(9):1959-64. Epub 2011 Jul 25.

PubMed abstract

Correlates of quality of life in older adults with diabetes: the diabetes & aging study

Authors: Laiteerapong N; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Sudore R; Schillinger D; John PM; Huang ES

Diabetes Care. 2011 Aug;34(8):1749-53. Epub 2011 Jun 2.

PubMed abstract

Temporal trends in recording of diabetes on death certificates: results from Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: McEwen LN; Karter AJ; Curb JD; Marrero DG; Crosson JC; Herman WH

Diabetes Care. 2011 Jul;34(7):1529-33.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic control, complications, and death in older diabetic patients: the diabetes and aging study

Authors: Huang ES; Liu JY; Moffet HH; John PM; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2011 Jun;34(6):1329-36. Epub 2011 Apr 19.

PubMed abstract

Social disparities in internet patient portal use in diabetes: evidence that the digital divide extends beyond access

Authors: Sarkar U; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Adler NE; Nguyen R; Lopez A; Schillinger D

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 May 1;18(3):318-21. Epub 2011 Jan 24.

PubMed abstract

Primary Language, Income and the Intensification of Anti-glycemic Medications in Managed Care: the (TRIAD) Study

Authors: Duru OK; Bilik D; McEwen LN; Brown AF; Karter AJ; Curb JD; Marrero DG; Lu SE; Rodriguez M; Mangione CM

J Gen Intern Med. 2011 May;26(5):505-11. Epub 2010 Dec 21.

PubMed abstract

Adherence to laboratory test requests by patients with diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Moffet HH; Parker MM; Sarkar U; Schillinger D; Fernandez A; Adler NE; Adams AS; Karter AJ

Am J Manag Care. 2011 May;17(5):339-44.

PubMed abstract

Competing demands for time and self-care behaviors, processes of care, and intermediate outcomes among people with diabetes: Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: McEwen LN; Kim C; Ettner SL; Herman WH; Karter AJ; Beckles GL; Brown AF

Diabetes Care. 2011 May;34(5):1180-2. Epub 2011 Apr 4.

PubMed abstract

Heterogeneity of diabetes outcomes among asians and pacific islanders in the US; the diabetes study of northern california (DISTANCE)

Authors: Kanaya AM; Adler N; Moffet HH; Liu J; Schillinger D; Adams A; Ahmed AT; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2011 Apr;34(4):930-7. Epub 2011 Feb 24.

PubMed abstract

Triglycerides and amputation risk in patients with diabetes: ten-year follow-up in the DISTANCE study

Authors: Callaghan BC; Feldman E; Liu J; Kerber K; Pop-Busui R; Moffet H; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2011 Mar;34(3):635-40. Epub 2011 Feb 1.

PubMed abstract

Language barriers, physician-patient language concordance, and glycemic control among insured Latinos with diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Fernandez A; Schillinger D; Warton EM; Adler N; Moffet HH; Schenker Y; Salgado MV; Ahmed A; Karter AJ

J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Feb;26(2):170-6. Epub 2010 Sep 29.

PubMed abstract

Correlates of patient-reported racial/ethnic health care discrimination in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Lyles CR; Karter AJ; Young BA; Spigner C; Grembowski D; Schillinger D; Adler NE

J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2011;22(1):211-25.

PubMed abstract

Correlates of depression among people with diabetes: The Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Waitzfelder B; Karter AJ; Dudley RA; et al.

Prim Care Diabetes. 2010 Dec;4(4):215-22. Epub 2010 Sep 15.

PubMed abstract

The impact of limited English proficiency and physician language concordance on reports of clinical interactions among patients with diabetes: the DISTANCE study

Authors: Schenker Y; Karter AJ; Schillinger D; Warton EM; Adler NE; Moffet HH; Ahmed AT; Fernandez A

Patient Educ Couns. 2010 Nov;81(2):222-8. Epub 2010 Mar 11.

PubMed abstract

Thiazolidinediones and fractures: evidence from translating research into action for diabetes

Authors: Bilik D; Ferrara A; Karter AJ; Herman WH; et al.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Oct;95(10):4560-5. Epub 2010 Jul 14.

PubMed abstract

Patients’ willingness to discuss trade-offs to lower their out-of-pocket drug costs

Authors: Tseng CW; Karter AJ; Dudley RA; et al.

Arch Intern Med. 2010 Sep 13;170(16):1502-4.

PubMed abstract

Disposition index, glucose effectiveness, and conversion to type 2 diabetes: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)

Authors: Lorenzo C; Wagenknecht LE; Rewers MJ; Karter AJ; Bergman RN; Hanley AJ; Haffner SM

Diabetes Care. 2010 Sep;33(9):2098-103.

PubMed abstract

Hypoglycemia is more common among type 2 diabetes patients with limited health literacy: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Sarkar U; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Adler NE; Schillinger D

J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Sep;25(9):962-8. Epub 2010 May 18.

PubMed abstract

A1C between 5.7 and 6.4% as a marker for identifying pre-diabetes, insulin sensitivity and secretion, and cardiovascular risk factors: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)

Authors: Lorenzo C; Wagenknecht LE; Hanley AJ; Rewers MJ; Karter AJ; Haffner SM

Diabetes Care. 2010 Sep;33(9):2104-9. Epub 2010 Jun 23.

PubMed abstract

Primary non-adherence to prescribed medications

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Adams AS; Moffet HH; Schmittdiel JA; Ahmed AT; Selby JV

J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Aug;25(8):763; author reply 765.

PubMed abstract

Thiazolidinediones, cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular mortality: translating research into action for diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: Bilik D; McEwen LN; Brown MB; Selby JV; Karter AJ; Marrero DG; Hsiao VC; Tseng CW; Mangione CM; Lasser NL; Crosson JC; Herman WH

Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2010 Jul;19(7):715-21.

PubMed abstract

Social disparities in dental insurance and annual dental visits among medically insured patients with diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE) Survey

Authors: Moffet HH; Schillinger D; Weintraub JA; Adler N; Liu JY; Selby JV; Karter AJ

Prev Chronic Dis. 2010 May;7(3):A57. Epub 2010 May 15.

PubMed abstract

Race/ethnicity, social support, and associations with diabetes self-care and clinical outcomes in NHANES

Authors: Rees CA; Karter AJ; Young BA

Diabetes Educ. 2010 May-Jun;36(3):435-45. Epub 2010 Mar 23.

PubMed abstract

Barriers to insulin initiation: the translating research into action for diabetes insulin starts project

Authors: Karter AJ; Subramanian U; Saha C; Crosson JC; Parker MM; Swain BE; Moffet HH; Marrero DG

Diabetes Care. 2010 Apr;33(4):733-5. Epub 2010 Jan 19.

PubMed abstract

The association between the number of prescription medications and incident falls in a multi-ethnic population of adult type-2 diabetes patients: the diabetes and aging study

Authors: Huang ES; Karter AJ; Danielson KK; Warton EM; Ahmed AT

J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Feb;25(2):141-6. Epub 2009 Dec 5.

PubMed abstract

Characteristics of insured patients with persistent gaps in diabetes care services: the Translating Research into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Gregg EW; Karter AJ; Dudley RA; et al.

Med Care. 2010 Jan;48(1):31-7.

PubMed abstract

Mail-order pharmacy use and adherence to diabetes-related medications

Authors: Duru OK; Schmittdiel JA; Dyer WT; Parker MM; Uratsu CS; Chan J; Karter AJ

Am J Manag Care. 2010 Jan;16(1):33-40.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic differences in anemia among patients with diabetes mellitus: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Ahmed AT; Go AS; Warton EM; Parker MM; Karter AJ

Am J Hematol. 2010 Jan;85(1):57-61.

PubMed abstract

Insulin resistance, beta-cell dysfunction, and conversion to type 2 diabetes in a multiethnic population: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study

Authors: Lorenzo C; Wagenknecht LE; D'Agostino RB Jr; Rewers MJ; Karter AJ; Haffner SM

Diabetes Care. 2010 Jan;33(1):67-72. Epub 2009 Oct 6.

PubMed abstract

The literacy divide: health literacy and the use of an internet-based patient portal in an integrated health system-results from the diabetes study of northern California (DISTANCE)

Authors: Sarkar U; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Adler NE; Nguyen R; Lopez A; Schillinger D

J Health Commun. 2010;15 Suppl 2:183-96.

PubMed abstract

Diabetes and poor disease control: is comorbid depression associated with poor medication adherence or lack of treatment intensification?

Authors: Katon W; Russo J; Lin EH; Heckbert SR; Karter AJ; Williams LH; Ciechanowski P; Ludman E; Von Korff M

Psychosom Med. 2009 Nov;71(9):965-72. Epub 2009 Oct 15.

PubMed abstract

New prescription medication gaps: a comprehensive measure of adherence to new prescriptions

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Ahmed AT; Schmittdiel JA; Selby JV

Health Serv Res. 2009 Oct;44(5 Pt 1):1640-61. Epub 2009 Jun 3.

PubMed abstract

Investing time in health: do socioeconomically disadvantaged patients spend more or less extra time on diabetes self-care?

Authors: Ettner SL; Cadwell BL; Russell LB; Brown A; Karter AJ; Safford M; Mangione C; Beckles G; Herman WH; Thompson TJ; TRIAD Study Group

Health Econ. 2009 Jun;18(6):645-63.

PubMed abstract

Identifying risk factors for racial disparities in diabetes outcomes: the translating research into action for diabetes study

Authors: Duru OK; Gerzoff RB; Selby JV; Brown AF; Ackermann RT; Karter AJ; Ross S; Steers N; Herman WH; Waitzfelder B; Mangione CM

Med Care. 2009 Jun;47(6):700-6.

PubMed abstract

Hypoglycemic episodes and risk of dementia in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Authors: Whitmer RA; Karter AJ; Yaffe K; Quesenberry CP Jr; Selby JV

JAMA. 2009 Apr 15;301(15):1565-72.

PubMed abstract

Treatment intensification and risk factor control: toward more clinically relevant quality measures

Authors: Selby JV; Uratsu CS; Fireman B; Schmittdiel JA; Peng T; Rodondi N; Karter AJ; Kerr E

Med Care. 2009 Apr;47(4):395-402.

PubMed abstract

Cohort Profile: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)–objectives and design of a survey follow-up study of social health disparities in a managed care population

Authors: Moffet HH; Adler N; Schillinger D; Ahmed AT; Laraia B; Selby JV; Neugebauer R; Liu JY; Parker MM; Warton M; Karter AJ

Int J Epidemiol. 2009 Feb;38(1):38-47. Epub 2008 Mar 7.

PubMed abstract

Predictors of sustained walking among diabetes patients in managed care: the Translating Research into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Duru OK; Gerzoff RB; Brown AF; Karter AJ; Kim C; Kountz D; Narayan KM; Schneider SH; Tseng CW; Waitzfelder B; Mangione CM

J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Aug;23(8):1194-9. Epub 2008 May 2.

PubMed abstract

Why don’t diabetes patients achieve recommended risk factor targets? Poor adherence versus lack of treatment intensification

Authors: Schmittdiel JA; Uratsu CS; Karter AJ; Heisler M; Subramanian U; Mangione CM; Selby JV

J Gen Intern Med. 2008 May;23(5):588-94. Epub 2008 Mar 4.

PubMed abstract

The relationship between alcohol consumption and glycemic control among patients with diabetes: the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Diabetes Registry

Authors: Ahmed AT; Karter AJ; Warton EM; Doan JU; Weisner CM

J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Mar;23(3):275-82. Epub 2008 Jan 8.

PubMed abstract

Perception of neighborhood problems, health behaviors, and diabetes outcomes among adults with diabetes in managed care: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Gary TL; Safford MM; Gerzoff RB; Ettner SL; Karter AJ; Beckles GL; Brown AF

Diabetes Care. 2008 Feb;31(2):273-8. Epub 2007 Nov 13.

PubMed abstract

Race/ethnicity and economic differences in cost-related medication underuse among insured adults with diabetes: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes Study

Authors: Tseng CW; Karter AJ; Mangione CM; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2008 Feb;31(2):261-6. Epub 2007 Nov 13.

PubMed abstract

Educational disparities in rates of smoking among diabetic adults: the translating research into action for diabetes study

Authors: Karter AJ; Ettner SL; et al.

Am J Public Health. 2008 Feb;98(2):365-70. Epub 2007 Jun 28.

PubMed abstract

Understanding the gap between good processes of diabetes care and poor intermediate outcomes: Translating Research into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)

Authors: Selby JV; Karter AJ; Ferrara A; TRIAD Study Group; et al.

Med Care. 2007 Dec;45(12):1144-53.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic response to newly initiated diabetes therapies

Authors: Karter AJ; Moffet HH; Liu J; Parker MM; Ahmed AT; Go AS; Selby JV

Am J Manag Care. 2007 Nov;13(11):598-606.

PubMed abstract

Agreement between self-reports and medical records was only fair in a cross-sectional study of performance of annual eye examinations among adults with diabetes in managed care

Authors: Beckles GL; Williamson DF; Brown AF; Gregg EW; Karter AJ; Kim C; Dudley RA; Safford MM; Stevens MR; Thompson TJ

Med Care. 2007 Sep;45(9):876-83.

PubMed abstract

Minimum incidence of primary cervical dystonia in a multiethnic health care population

Authors: Marras C; Van Den Eeden SK; Fross RD; Benedict-Albers KS; Klingman J; Leimpeter AD; Nelson LM; Risch N; Karter AJ; Bernstein AL; Tanner CM

Neurology. 2007 Aug 14;69(7):676-80.

PubMed abstract

Risk factors for mortality among patients with diabetes: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) Study

Authors: McEwen LN; Kim C; Karter AJ; Haan MN; Ghosh D; Lantz PM; Mangione CM; Thompson TJ; Herman WH

Diabetes Care. 2007 Jul;30(7):1736-41. Epub 2007 Apr 27.

PubMed abstract

Effect of cost-sharing changes on self-monitoring of blood glucose

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Ahmed AT; Chan J; Spence MM; Selby JV; Ettner SL

Am J Manag Care. 2007 Jul;13(7):408-16.

PubMed abstract

Educational disparities in health behaviors among patients with diabetes: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) Study

Authors: Karter AJ; Ettner SL; et al.

BMC Public Health. 2007 Oct 29;7:308.

PubMed abstract

The association between clinical care strategies and the attenuation of racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes care: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) Study

Authors: Duru OK; Karter AJ; TRIAD Study Group; et al.

Med Care. 2006 Dec;44(12):1121-8.

PubMed abstract

Disparities in HbA1c levels between African-American and non-Hispanic white adults with diabetes: a meta-analysis

Authors: Kirk JK; D'Agostino RB Jr; Bell RA; Passmore LV; Bonds DE; Karter AJ; Narayan KM

Diabetes Care. 2006 Sep;29(9):2130-6.

PubMed abstract

Who is tested for diabetic kidney disease and who initiates treatment? The Translating Research Into Action For Diabetes (TRIAD) Study

Authors: Johnson SL; Karter AJ; Ferrara A; Herman WH; et al.

Diabetes Care. 2006 Aug;29(8):1733-8.

PubMed abstract

Longitudinal study of new and prevalent use of self-monitoring of blood glucose

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Spence MM; Chan J; Ettner SL; Selby JV

Diabetes Care. 2006 Aug;29(8):1757-63.

PubMed abstract

Alcohol consumption is inversely associated with adherence to diabetes self-care behaviours

Authors: Ahmed AT; Karter AJ; Liu J

Diabet Med. 2006 Jul;23(7):795-802.

PubMed abstract

Does literacy mediate the relationship between education and health outcomes? A study of a low-income population with diabetes

Authors: Schillinger D; Barton LR; Karter AJ; Wang F; Adler N

Public Health Rep. 2006 May-Jun;121(3):245-54.

PubMed abstract

Cost-utility analysis in a UK setting of self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes

Authors: Palmer AJ; Dinneen S; Gavin JR 3rd; Gray A; Herman WH; Karter AJ

Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 May;22(5):861-72.

PubMed abstract

Is the association between dietary glycemic index and type 2 diabetes modified by waist circumference?

Authors: Schulz M; Liese AD; Fang F; Gilliard TS; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2006 May;29(5):1102-4.

PubMed abstract

Therapy modifications in response to poorly controlled hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus

Authors: Rodondi N; Peng T; Karter AJ; Bauer DC; Vittinghoff E; Tang S; Pettitt D; Kerr EA; Selby JV

Ann Intern Med. 2006 Apr 4;144(7):475-84.

PubMed abstract

Role of self-monitoring of blood glucose in glycemic control

Authors: Karter AJ

Endocr Pract. 2006 Jan-Feb;12 Suppl 1:110-7.

PubMed abstract

Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus with alternative definitions of the metabolic syndrome: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study

Authors: Hanley AJ; Karter AJ; Williams K; Festa A; D'Agostino RB Jr; Wagenknecht LE; Haffner SM

Circulation. 2005 Dec 13;112(24):3713-21.

PubMed abstract

Race, ethnicity, socioeconomic position, and quality of care for adults with diabetes enrolled in managed care: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Brown AF; Gregg EW; Stevens MR; Karter AJ; Weinberger M; Safford MM; Gary TL; Caputo DA; Waitzfelder B; Kim C; Beckles GL

Diabetes Care. 2005 Dec;28(12):2864-70.

PubMed abstract

Current evidence regarding the value of self-monitored blood glucose testing

Authors: Blonde L; Karter AJ

Am J Med. 2005 Sep;118(Suppl 9A):20S-26S.

PubMed abstract

Pioglitazone initiation and subsequent hospitalization for congestive heart failure

Authors: Karter AJ; Ahmed AT; Liu J; Moffet HH; Parker MM

Diabet Med. 2005 Aug;22(8):986-93.

PubMed abstract

Abdominal obesity predicts declining insulin sensitivity in non-obese normoglycaemics: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)

Authors: Karter AJ; D'Agostino RB Jr; Mayer-Davis EJ; Wagenknecht LE; Hanley AJ; Hamman RF; Bergman R; Saad MF; Haffner SM; IRAS investigators

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005 May;7(3):230-8.

PubMed abstract

Achieving good glycemic control: initiation of new antihyperglycemic therapies in patients with type 2 diabetes from the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Diabetes Registry

Authors: Karter AJ; Moffet HH; Liu J; Parker MM; Ahmed AT; Ferrara A; Selby JV

Am J Manag Care. 2005 Apr;11(4):262-70.

PubMed abstract

Case-control single-marker and haplotypic association analysis of pedigree data

Authors: Browning SR; Briley JD; Briley LP; Chandra G; Charnecki JH; Ehm MG; Johansson KA; Jones BJ; Karter AJ; Yarnall DP; Wagner MJ

Genet Epidemiol. 2005 Feb;28(2):110-22.

PubMed abstract

Sex differences in quality of health care related to ischemic heart disease prevention in patients with diabetes: the translating research into action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study, 2000-2001

Authors: Ferrara A; Williamson DF; Karter AJ; Thompson TJ; Kim C; Diabetes (TRIAD) Study Group

Diabetes Care. 2004 Dec;27(12):2974-6.

PubMed abstract

Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in high-risk clinical and ethnic groups with diabetes

Authors: Rosen AB; Karter AJ; Liu JY; Selby JV; Schneider EC

J Gen Intern Med. 2004 Jun;19(6):669-75.

PubMed abstract

Differences in insulin resistance in nondiabetic subjects with isolated impaired glucose tolerance or isolated impaired fasting glucose

Authors: Festa A; D'Agostino R Jr; Hanley AJ; Karter AJ; Saad MF; Haffner SM

Diabetes. 2004 Jun;53(6):1549-55.

PubMed abstract

Tuberculosis in California dialysis patients

Authors: Ahmed AT; Karter AJ

Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2004 Mar;8(3):341-5.

PubMed abstract

Use of thiazolidinediones and risk of heart failure in people with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study: response to Delea et al

Authors: Karter AJ; Ahmed AT; Liu J; Moffet HH; Parker MM; Ferrara A; Selby JV

Diabetes Care. 2004 Mar;27(3):850-1; author reply 852-3.

PubMed abstract

High rates of co-occurrence of hypertension, elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and diabetes mellitus in a large managed care population

Authors: Selby JV; Peng T; Karter AJ; Alexander M; Sidney S; Lian J; Arnold A; Pettitt D

Am J Manag Care. 2004 Feb;10(2 Pt 2):163-70.

PubMed abstract

Missed appointments and poor glycemic control: an opportunity to identify high-risk diabetic patients

Authors: Karter AJ; Parker MM; Moffet HH; Ahmed AT; Ferrara A; Liu JY; Selby JV

Med Care. 2004 Feb;42(2):110-5.

PubMed abstract

Socioeconomic position and health among persons with diabetes mellitus: a conceptual framework and review of the literature

Authors: Brown AF; Ettner SL; Piette J; Weinberger M; Gregg E; Shapiro MF; Karter AJ; Safford M; Waitzfelder B; Prata PA; Beckles GL

Epidemiol Rev. 2004;26:63-77.

PubMed abstract

Low insulin sensitivity (S(i) = 0) in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects in the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study: is it associated with components of the metabolic syndrome and nontraditional risk factors?

Authors: Haffner SM; D'Agostino R Jr; Festa A; Bergman RN; Mykkanen L; Karter A; Saad MF; Wagenknecht LE

Diabetes Care. 2003 Oct;26(10):2796-803.

PubMed abstract

Health behaviors and quality of care among Latinos with diabetes in managed care

Authors: Brown AF; Gerzoff RB; Karter AJ; Gregg E; Safford M; Waitzfelder B; Beckles GL; Brusuelas R; Mangione CM; TRIAD Study Group

Am J Public Health. 2003 Oct;93(10):1694-8.

PubMed abstract

Out-of-pocket costs and diabetes preventive services: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study

Authors: Karter AJ; Stevens MR; Herman WH; Ettner S; Marrero DG; Safford MM; Engelgau MM; Curb JD; Brown AF; Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes Study Group

Diabetes Care. 2003 Aug;26(8):2294-9.

PubMed abstract

Use of antibiotics is not associated with decreased risk of myocardial infarction among patients with diabetes

Authors: Karter AJ; Thom DH; Liu J; Moffet HH; Ferrara A; Selby JV

Diabetes Care. 2003 Jul;26(7):2100-6.

PubMed abstract

Race and ethnicity: vital constructs for diabetes research

Authors: Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2003 Jul;26(7):2189-93.

PubMed abstract

Diabetes and progression of carotid atherosclerosis: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Authors: Wagenknecht LE; Zaccaro D; Espeland MA; Karter AJ; O'Leary DH; Haffner SM

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2003 Jun 1;23(6):1035-41. Epub 2003 Apr 17.

PubMed abstract

Differences in LDL oxidizability by glycemic status: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Authors: Schwenke DC; D'Agostino RB Jr; Goff DC Jr; Karter AJ; Rewers MJ; Wagenknecht LE; Insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Diabetes Care. 2003 May;26(5):1449-55.

PubMed abstract

Metabolic predictors of 5-year change in weight and waist circumference in a triethnic population: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Authors: Mayer-Davis EJ; Kirkner GJ; Karter AJ; Zaccaro DJ

Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Apr 1;157(7):592-601.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic and racial differences in diabetes care: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study

Authors: Bonds DE; Zaccaro DJ; Karter AJ; Selby JV; Saad M; Goff DC Jr

Diabetes Care. 2003 Apr;26(4):1040-6.

PubMed abstract

The importance of race and ethnic background in biomedical research and clinical practice

Authors: Burchard EG; Ziv E; Coyle N; Gomez SL; Tang H; Karter AJ; Mountain JL; Perez-Stable EJ; Sheppard D; Risch N

N Engl J Med. 2003 Mar 20;348(12):1170-5.

PubMed abstract

Commentary: Race, genetics, and disease–in search of a middle ground

Authors: Karter AJ

Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Feb;32(1):26-8.

PubMed abstract

Current use of unopposed estrogen and estrogen plus progestin and the risk of acute myocardial infarction among women with diabetes: the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes Registry, 1995-1998

Authors: Ferrara A; Quesenberry CP; Karter AJ; Njoroge CW; Jacobson AS; Selby JV; Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes Registry

Circulation. 2003 Jan 7;107(1):43-8.

PubMed abstract

Is insulin sensitivity a causal intermediate in the relationship between alcohol consumption and carotid atherosclerosis?: the insulin resistance and atherosclerosis study

Authors: Cooper DE; Goff DC Jr; Bell RA; Zaccaro D; Mayer-Davis EJ; Karter AJ

Diabetes Care. 2002 Aug;25(8):1425-31.

PubMed abstract

Factor analysis of metabolic syndrome using directly measured insulin sensitivity: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study

Authors: Hanley AJ; Karter AJ; Festa A; D'Agostino R Jr; Wagenknecht LE; Savage P; Tracy RP; Saad MF; Haffner S; Insulin resistance atherosclerosis study

Diabetes. 2002 Aug;51(8):2642-7.

PubMed abstract

Ethnic disparities in diabetic complications in an insured population

Authors: Karter AJ; Ferrara A; Liu JY; Moffet HH; Ackerson LM; Selby JV

JAMA. 2002 May 15;287(19):2519-27.

PubMed abstract

The Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study: a multicenter study of diabetes in managed care

Authors: TRIAD Study Group

Diabetes Care. 2002 Feb;25(2):386-9.

PubMed abstract

Developing a prediction rule from automated clinical databases to identify high-risk patients in a large population with diabetes

Authors: Selby JV; Karter AJ; Ackerson LM; Ferrara A; Liu J

Diabetes Care. 2001 Sep;24(9):1547-55.

PubMed abstract

Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and glycemic control: the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes registry

Authors: Karter AJ; Ackerson LM; Darbinian JA; D'Agostino RB Jr; Ferrara A; Liu J; Selby JV

Am J Med. 2001 Jul;111(1):1-9.

PubMed abstract

Hormone replacement therapy is associated with better glycemic control in women with type 2 diabetes: The Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes Registry

Authors: Ferrara A; Karter AJ; Ackerson LM; Liu JY; Selby JV; Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes Registry

Diabetes Care. 2001 Jul;24(7):1144-50.

PubMed abstract

Glycemic control and heart failure among adult patients with diabetes

Authors: Iribarren C; Karter AJ; Go AS; Ferrara A; Liu JY; Sidney S; Selby JV

Circulation. 2001 Jun 5;103(22):2668-73.

PubMed abstract

Insulin secretion, obesity, and potential behavioral influences: results from the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)

Authors: Mayer-Davis EJ; Levin S; Bergman RN; D'Agostino RB Jr; Karter AJ; Saad MF; Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)

Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2001 Mar-Apr;17(2):137-45.

PubMed abstract

Examining the impact of missing data on propensity score estimation in determining the effectiveness of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG)

Authors: D'Agostino R Jr; Lang W; Walkup M; Morgan T; Karter A

Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol. 2001;2(3-4):291-315.

Self-monitoring of blood glucose: language and financial barriers in a managed care population with diabetes

Authors: Karter AJ; Ferrara A; Darbinian JA; Ackerson LM; Selby JV

Diabetes Care. 2000 Apr;23(4):477-83.

PubMed abstract

Excess maternal transmission of type 2 diabetes. The Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes Registry

Authors: Karter AJ; Rowell SE; Ackerson LM; Mitchell BD; Ferrara A; Selby JV; Newman B

Diabetes Care. 1999 Jun;22(6):938-43.

PubMed abstract

Ischemic heart disease and stroke mortality in African-American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white men and women, 1985 to 1991

Authors: Karter AJ; Gazzaniga JM; Cohen RD; Casper ML; Davis BD; Kaplan GA

West J Med. 1998 Sep;169(3):139-45.

PubMed abstract

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