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KP Research Radio Podcasts

...California studied how its rapid integration of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted cancer patients and oncologists.... Prenatal cannabis misconceptions January 18, 2022 In a new KP Research Radio podcast,...

Women’s and Children’s Health

Investigators with DOR’s Women’s and Children’s Health section examine a broad spectrum of topics, with a strong focus on translating discoveries in population science to real-world clinical practice around perinatal...

Health Equity

...the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of minority racial and ethnic groups have experienced disproportionate COVID-19-associated morbidity and mortality (1); however, COVID-19 vaccination coverage is lower in these groups (2). CDC used...

Substance Use

...have studied the HEDIS performance measures for initiation and engagement of substance use treatment, as well as how treatment for substance use disorder changed after the COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, DOR...

Women’s Health

...survey of pregnant patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and have been harvesting the results for important insights about how pregnant people managed their health and other aspects of pregnancy during...
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