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A comparison of lifestyle and behavioral cardiovascular disease risk factors between Asian Indian and White non-Hispanic men

OBJECTIVE: We compared lifestyle CVD risk factors between Asian Indian and White non-Hispanic men within categories of BMI. DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: Participants included 51,901 White non-Hispanic men and 602 Asian Indian men enrolled in the California Men’s Health Study cohort. Men were aged 45-69 years and members of Kaiser Permanente Southern or Northern California at baseline (2001-2002). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lifestyle characteristics including diet, physical activity, alcohol intake and smoking were collected from a survey. Multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for demographics, was performed. RESULTS: Asian Indians more often reported a healthy BMI (18.5-24.9), and consumed < 30% calories from fat within each BMI category (healthy weight and overweight/obese). Among healthy weight men, Asian Indians were less likely to eat -5 fruit and vegetables a day. Overall, Asian Indians were more likely to have never smoked and to abstain from alcohol. Asian Indians were less likely to report moderate/vigorous physical activity > or = 3.5 hours/week. No differences were found in sedentary activity. CONCLUSIONS: We identified health behaviors that were protective (lower fat intake, lower levels of smoking and alcohol) and harmful (lower levels of physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake) for cardiovascular health among the Asian Indians in comparison to White non-Hispanics. Results stratified by BMI were similar to those overall. However, the likelihood of consuming a low fat diet was lower among healthy weight men, while fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity and alcohol intake was greater. These results suggest risk factors other than lifestyle behaviors may be important contributors to CVD in the Asian Indian population.

Authors: Ghai NR; Jacobsen SJ; Ahmed AT; Haque R; Rhoads GG; Quinn VP; Van den Eeden SK

Ethn Dis. 2012 Spring;22(2):168-74.

PubMed abstract

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