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Ethnic Differences in Geriatric Conditions and Diabetes Complications Among Older, Insured Adults With Diabetes: The Diabetes and Aging Study

The aim of this study was to evaluate ethnic differences in burden of prevalent geriatric conditions and diabetic complications among older, insured adults with diabetes. An observational study was conducted among 115,538 diabetes patients, aged ³60, in an integrated health care system with uniform access to care. Compared with Whites, Asians and Filipinos were more likely to be underweight but had substantively lower prevalence of falls, urinary incontinence, polypharmacy, depression, and chronic pain, and were least likely of all groups to have at least one geriatric condition. African Americans had significantly lower prevalence of incontinence and falls, but higher prevalence of dementia; Latinos had a lower prevalence of falls. Except for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), Whites tended to have the highest rates of prevalent diabetic complications. Among these insured older adults, ethnic health patterns varied substantially; differences were frequently small and rates were often better among select minority groups, suggesting progress toward the Healthy People 2020 objective to reduce health disparities.

Authors: Karter AJ; Adams AS; Whitmer RA; Huang ES; et al.

J Aging Health. 2015 Aug;27(5):894-918. Epub 2015-02-05.

PubMed abstract

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