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Do health and health care indicators differ by preferred language in Latinx and Chinese Adults? A health and health care disparities study.

Limited English proficiency may be an important social determinant of health and health care access. This study will use electronic health record data to describe and compare health risks, chronic health conditions, quality metrics, and health care use by language preference for 2 cohorts of adults aged 25-84 who were KPNC members during calendar year 2019: Latino adults with Spanish vs. English spoken language preference and Chinese adults with Chinese dialect vs. English spoken language preference. Study results will improve understanding of whether and how limited English proficiency contributes to disparities in health and health care utilization in these 2 ethnic groups in a health care delivery system that has made extensive efforts to mitigate language barriers to care delivery.

Investigator: Gordon, Nancy

Funder: KP National Office of Community Health

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