SEED is a case-control study comparing children aged 2-5 years with autism spectrum disorder to children with other developmental disabilities. The SEED Follow-up Study is a longitudinal study designed to improve understanding of risk factors and expression of autism spectrum disorder from childhood through early adulthood. This study will help us better understand how adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder differ from those with other developmental disabilities or from the general population in terms of: 1) Health service needs and utilization, community and social supports, bullying and discrimination, safety and suicide, family and financial impacts, and independence and adaptive behavior; 2) Other outcomes relevant to child age (e.g., planning for exit from high school and vocational training); 3) Self-report of various aspects relevant to relationships and quality of life in adolescence and early adulthood.
SEED Follow-Up Study
Investigator: Croen, Lisa
Funder: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention